Saturday 26 August 2017

"Adventures in India" - A Review - "Superb..."

Thank you HC,UK!

on 19 August 2017
Format: Paperback
What a brilliant second book in the Charlie Smithers series this is! Full of humour, charm, heroism, determination, courage, danger, cruelty, sadness, historical detail and shenanigans galore, this book was a thoroughly enjoyable read from start to finish. At times this story was incredibly moving, and at others I found myself laughing out loud. I loved reading about the 'special tea' made by the beautiful Madam Pirali and the effects it had on the normally bombastic Lord Brampton! Absolutely hilarious ! Charlie Smithers is such a lovable and believable fellow. He is honourable and has a sense of fair play and common decency and he will always speak his mind, even if it gets him into trouble. The characters Mr Lovatt describes are all so easy to picture and his descriptions are so detailed I feel I'm actually watching a movie, it is so vivid in my mind. Thank you for this wonderfully written tale. I'm now reading about the wonderful Charlie Smithers' adventures in Oz......Please let there one day be a book Four Mr Lovatt.

Click here to purchase your own copy of "Charlie Smithers: Adventures in India."

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